Online Advertising

Online advertising is not as easy as it sounds... the web is a complex structure and to get the full benefit of your investment in online advertising, it requires a broad knowledge of how search engines will rank each site and how the public will see your ad campaign.  Rapidfyre is dedicated to continuing education in online advertising to ensure the success of our advertising campaigns.

Our steps to a successful online advertising campaign:

  1. Determine your campaign goals and objectives
  2. List your key performance indicators
  3. Narrow your target audience
  4. Target your audience through the correct online advertising channels.
  5. Select audience appropriate keywords
  6. Form compelling and simple ad
  7. Determine an initial monthly budget
  8. Enjoy the results!

For a free online advertising consultation... call us now!

©2025 Rapidfyre Inc, Web Design & Web Development  •  34 Quail Haven Ln, Tonasket, WA 98855  •  (509) 684-0600